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Answer: A Mushroom
Answer: Meat
Answer: Ask either computer what the other would say is the safe door and then go into the other door. Example: Door “B” is the door to safety Ask the truth computer what would the lie computer say is the safe door, the truth computer would say the lie computer would say; door “A”. Or ask the lying computer and it would say the …
Answer: First fill the 9-litre bowl. Then overspill 4 litres to the 4-litre bowl (there are 5 litres in the 9-litre bowl afterwards) and pour out the water from the 4-litre bowl. And again overspill 4 litres to the 4-litre bowl and empty it. Then overspill the remaining litre to the 4-litre bowl but this time keep it there. Fill the 9-litre bowl to …
Answer: The man is a of short stature. He can’t reach the upper elevator buttons, but he can ask people to push them for him. He can also push them with his umbrella.
Answer: A stamp.
Answer: Tilt the barrel until the wine barely touches the lip of the barrel. If the bottom of the barrel is visible then it is less than half full. If the barrel bottom is completely covered by the wine, then it is more than half full.
Read the post to find the answer.
Read the post to find the answer.
Read the post to find the answer.
Read the post to find the answer.
Answer: At first, there were 2 pears on the tree. After the wind blew, one pear fell on the ground. So there were no pears on the tree and there were no pears on the ground.