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Category Archives: Recent sales and statistics

Sales Statistics July 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District,  Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in July 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE Lot 3 Avery Road Bare Land 3.0 N/A 25 September 220,000 Lot 1 Seafield Road Bare Land 2.22 N/A 28 September 210,000 95 McLeod Road Lifestyle 3.41 955,000 20 …

Sales Statistics June 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District,  Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in June 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 100 Springfield Road Lifestyle 0.50 255,000 28 March 300,000 36 Longview Road Lifestyle 1.01 630,000 20 May 775,000 83 Rotowhenua Road Lifestyle 1.91 860,000 01 June 992,500 15 Heipipi …

Sales Statistics May 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in May 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 375B Tuki Tuki Road Bare Land 3.05 560,000 25 Dec 15 370,000 1040 Kahuranaki Road Bare Land 1.50 165,000 30 Nov 15 165,000 68 Rosser Road Lifestyle 6.49 1,110,000 …

Sales Statistics April 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in April 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 8 Eskdale Lane Lifestyle 2.35 560,000 23 March 665,000 40 Kaiangaroa Place Lifestyle 2.09 580,000 01 April 690,000 22 Sheehan Street Lifestyle 4.33 715,000 05 April 810,000 22 Ballantyne …

Sales Statistics March 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in March 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE Lot 2 Avery Road Bare Land 1.91 N/A 12 October 205,000 109 Tironui Drive Lifestyle 1.51 1,025,000 28 February 805,000 126 Puketapu Road Lifestyle 2.22 400,000 10 March 575,000 …

Sales Statistics February 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in February 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 191 Poraiti Road Lifestyle 1.78 890,000 24 November 800,000 Lot 9 Puketitiri Road Bare Land 1.28 N/A 24 December 280,000 79 Poraiti Road Lifestyle 4.07 840,000 02 February 918,000 …

Sales Statistics January 2016

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in January 2016 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 570 Main North Road Lifestyle 1.06 500,000 28 December 568,600 685 Main North Road Bare Land 1.50 275,000 22 January 183,000 144 Longlands Road West Lifestyle 4.80 1,300,000 …

Sales Statistics December 2015

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District,  Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in December 2015 were as follows: ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 16 Quarry Ridge Lifestyle 0.62 610,000 05 November 645,000 787 Main North Road Lifestyle 1.7 795,000 30 November 800,000 Lot 2, Eskridge Drive Bare Land 0.45 N/A 30 …

Sales Statistics November 2015

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District,  Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in November 2015 were as follows:   ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 158 Poraiti Road Lifestyle 1.58 960,000 1 November 670,000 216 Onehunga Road Lifestyle 2.07 685,000 11 November 825,000 16 King Road Lifestyle 0.20 380,000 13 November 465,000 …

Sales Statistics October 2015

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in October 2015 were as follows:   ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE Crystall Road Bare Land 7.92 550,000 14 Sept 465,000 2 Crystall Road Bare Land 8.83 N/A 16 Sept 510,000 156 Flag Range Road Bare Land 1.95 118,000 24 …

Sales Statistics September2015

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in September 2015 were as follows:   ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 92 Fryer Road Lifestyle 1.74 720,000 9 Sept 710,000 261 Onehunga Road Lifestyle 3.33 670,000 11 Sept 685,000 1461 Maraetotara Road Lifestyle 1.54 410,000 12 February 417,500 …

Sales Statistics June 2015

According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in June 2015 were as follows:   ADDRESS TYPE LAND AREA (Ha) RV SALE DATE SALE PRICE 69 Pirau Road Bare Land 0.62 N/A 15 June 184,000 1353 Taihape Road Lifestyle 20.10 N/A 3 June 720,000 175 Shanley Road Lifestyle 7.10 580,000 8 June 595,000 …