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289 Poraiti Road, Poraiti

Property ID: HVL75668
with: 0.84 Ha
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BARE LAND: Here is a superb well-located two acre bare land lifestyle in the heart of Poraiti with a stunning view across the estuary to the North. The section is mostly gentle sloping and there is an elevated flat area ideal for developing a building site for your new home, plus an existing stable building for those who want to graze a horse or two. There is a bore located on the property with pump system already in operation. Covenants are minimal and title is available so no building delays if you are ready to go. This is a prime piece of lifestyle real estate in Poraiti and we don’t expect it to last long, so call today to make an appointment to view. Tender closes 4.00pm Thursday 18 June 2020 (unless sold prior) (Subject to change due to Covid-19)

Bore Water Supply
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Avram Deitch

Hawkes Bay Lifestyle Specialist

Contact me about 289 Poraiti Road, Poraiti

  • Tender

    Tender unless sold prior, closes 4pm Thursday 18th June 2020