According to figures from REINZ statistics for Hawke’s Bay District, Lifestyle and Horticulture properties sold through Real Estate firms recorded in July 2017 were as follows:
218 Meeanee Road | Lifestyle | 1.79 | 1970’s / 360 | 700,000 | 13 June | 920,000 |
145 Meeanee Road | Lifestyle | 0.40 | 1950’s / 240 | 680,000 | 06 July | 911,000 |
641 Waimarama Road | Bare Land | 0.25 | N/A | N/A | 22 May | 710,000 |
155 Aorangi Road | Lifestyle | 33.03 | 2010’s / 261 | 1,350,000 | 17 June | 1,500,000 |
181 Lane Road | Lifestyle | 1.29 | 2010’s / 251 | 1,200,000 | 19 June | 1,500,000 |
1046 Kahuranaki Road | Lifestyle | 5.07 | 2000’s / 197 | 910,000 | 21 June | 920,000 |
Lot 12 Swamp Road | Bare Land | 2.13 | N/A | 440,000 | 28 June | 400,000 |
159 Waikareao Road | Lifestyle | 12.93 | 1990’s / 130 | 570,000 | 30 June | 660,000 |
Cnr Allen & Gilligan Rds | Bare Land | 19.87 | N/A | 1,310,000 | 05 July | 2,150,000 |
523 Valley Road | Lifestyle | 3.70 | 1910’s / 160 | 415,000 | 06 July | 540,000 |
107 Lane Road | Lifestyle | 1.65 | 1980’s / 221 | 1,080,000 | 11 July | 1,205,000 |
365 Awahuri Road | Bare Land | 1.79 | N/A | N/A | 13 July | 235,000 |
349 Te Aute Road | Lifestyle | 0.24 | 1970’s / 167 | 580,000 | 14 July | 750,000 |
1277 Korokipo Road | Viticulture | 27.01 | 2010’s / 223 | 2,500,000 | 14 July | 4,020,000 |
Aorangi Road | Bare Land | 0.15 | N/A | N/A | 14 July | 15,000 |
Mangatahi Road | Bare Land | 0.20 | N/A | N/A | 14 July | 49,000 |
Mangatahi & Kereru Rds | Bare Land | 0.20 | N/A | N/A | 14 July | 32,000 |
Aorangi Road | Bare Land | 0.20 | N/A | N/A | 14 July | 20,000 |
43 Crosses Road | Lifestyle | 4.22 | / 471 | 1,000,000 | 14 July | 1,205,000 |
47A Whakapirau Road | Lifestyle | 0.19 | / 256 | 800,000 | 06 July | 780,000 |
1993 Waimarama Road | Lifestyle | 0.40 | / 210 | 750,000 | 19 July | 700,000 |
Disclaimer: The figures correlated above have been derived from REINZ statistics. Their accuracy cannot be guaranteed for any error, omission or misdescription